Submissions: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Art & Photography

Calling on all creatives (writers and artists).

Readers Boon is a fellowship of writers and readers who are inspired by the world around them. We aim to build a platform where we can retell the stories that have been passed down from generation to generation: African inspired story, uncontrolled experiences and imaginative arts all curated in one place.

This call is open to Africans from all over the world especially people who are living the African life.

We accept;

  1. Fiction
  2. Poetry
  3. Creative Non-fiction
  4. Book Reviews
  5. Arts
  6. Photography

Payment For Writers

Unfortunately, we are unable to pay writers at this time. However, we are looking to close deals with publishers, sponsors and advertisers to provide a means of compensation for writers.

How long will it take to publish my work?

We usually take 5–7 days to acknowledge receipt of your submission and 1 week to review your submission. Note that there may be a backlog of submissions waiting to be posted, so once we have confirmed that your submission is a good fit, stay tuned on our page to see when your story has been posted.

Please Note:

  1. We DO NOT publish erotica, sci-fi, autobiography, travelogues or any non-literary piece.
  2. We DO NOT accept simultaneous submissions.
  3. Drabble and 5-Pictures story competition winners are free to share their submissions to other platforms but must state that it was originally published on Readers Boon.
  4. Competitions are open to all writers but previous winners cannot participate for one year after they have won.
  5. Follow the guidelines for submissions strictly as this will make it easier to find, edit and publish your work.

Guidelines for Writing Submissions

  1. All submissions must be sent to
  2. The title of the mail should contain; the writer’s name, the title of the submission and the genre i.e. fiction, non-fiction, poetry, art, photography etc. For example- Ciroma Chukwuma Adekunle: Little Red Riding Hood: Fiction
  3. Your submission must be sent in a Microsoft Word document, properly formatted with 1.5 or double line spacing.
  4. The document should be attached in the mail. The body of the mail should contain a short author’s bio, a profile picture, country of origin (Africans in the diaspora are welcome to submit) and social media handles.
  5. Submit one submission at a time. This means you can only send in another submission after your previous submission has been published or rejected.
  6. Submission must be more than 1,500 words or less than 5,000 words. Poetry submission must be more than 3 poems or less than 10 poems.

Readers Boon Drabble Competition

The Readers Boon Drabble Competition is a competition hosted on Readers Boon’s Social Media pages.

Writers are expected to use the provided prompt to produce a 100-word story.

The winner walks away with 10,000 Naira and will be profiled on all Readers Boon platforms.

Stay tuned for the next edition.

Guidelines For Art and Photography Submissions

1. All submissions must be sent to

2. Feel free to explore any theme unless otherwise stated.

3. All submissions must be the original work taken or completed by the author.

4. Artist signatures are allowed however, the signature must not deface the art/photograph

5. All pictures/art should come as separate images, not on one slide.

6. Image editing is allowed only on the basis of image quality.

7. Your submission should be accompanied by a brief artist bio pasted in the copy of the mail as well as your profile photo as an attachment.

8. All submissions must be in Jpeg/PNG format.

9. Submission must be more than 3 images or less than 10 images.

9. The submission mail should contain the Name of the Artist: Title of the Submission: and genre. For example- Ciroma Chukwuma Adekunle: Little Red Riding Hood: Photography

Readers Boon 5-Pictures-Story Competition

The 5 Picture Story competition allows artists and photographers to tell a story with only pictures or artworks.

Telling us the most inspiring and creative story ever told using only 5 photos or artworks (drawing/painting).

Submission guidelines for art and photography applies to the competition.

All submissions for the 5 -picture story competition must be without subtext or description. Artists are free to number the images in a sequential order to tell the story better.

Stay tuned for the next edition.